
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My Etsy Shop

      So you remember, oh I don't know, a couple of posts back when I said that I was going to have an etsy shop up and going middle of June?  Well lets just say that my eyes were bigger than my stomach!  Ok so starting an etsy shop is suppose to be like some sort of fantasy right?  I mean I thought I would make a couple of things and post it onto etsy and boom done I can quit my day that was a bit of a stretch but not by that much.  Starting an etsy shop is so much more time consuming that I thought it would be.  I am learning so much through the process.  I am such an ADD crafter.  When I craft it looks like a Hobby Lobby run by monkeys on crack!  And I am pretty much ALWAYS crafting something sooooo you do the math on the condition of my house at any given moment...yikes.  Anyway it is not going to be the middle of June but it will be as soon as I can figure it all out.   I am currently trying to figure out exactly which products I am going to make, what the cost is, the shipping, how much time it takes to make, etc.  But for now I love stationary so I have been trying out all the styles in my head.  So here are some ones I have come up with lately.
Can anyone guess what the silhouette is on the card above???  

Please tell me what you think!  


  1. Is the silhouette deer antlers?

  2. Yes Jess! You are amazing! Other people thought it was corral. Glad you could see it!

  3. Hurry up and get it going, pretty please!!!
